Full Movie
- Todd Walkowiak
- Derrick Girard
- Mike Szczesny
- Brian Yeagle
- Shawn 'Elf' Walters
- Kris Bennett
- Chris Doyle
- Matt Beringer
- Tim 'Fuzzy' Hall
- Mike Aitken
- Burger
- Brandan 'Punjab' Pundai
- Josh Heino
- Corey Martinez
- Joey Garcia
- Leigh Ramsdell
- Mark Mulville
- Ian Platt
- Byron Anderson
- Mike Lausman
- Cory Nastazio
- Ryan Barrett
- Josh Stricker
- Jeremy Reiss
- God Damn Son of a Bitch - The Misfits
- Lost on the way to paradise - The Next Big Thing
- The Passenger - Iggy Pop
- Fuk the world - Tiger Army
- I fought the law - Dead Kennedys
- Aint fuckin around - Rio Speeddealer
- Orgasm addict - Buzzcocks
- warriors - The Distillers
- Helter Skelter - The Beatles
- Hell id for children - Pat Benatar
- A new tomorrow - Screeching Weasel